May 28, 2007

Woots. Being the only kid at home is really stressful, lonely, yet GREAT. Hahas. Lets clear the definition "stressful" and "lonely". Stressful, because I get all the pressure and scoldings. Lonely, because I miss my sister and my brother, i guess. Woots. Hope they're having fun. Darryl- definitely having fun, since he's probably at sentosa today playing about with the dolphins. Denise... Dunno. Hahs. I have absolutely ZERO idea about her itinery. Hahas. Great, cause there's no one to fight with me for bed space, the computer, or the internet. =DD. Just back from Supplementary... Rawr. SO boring. Was smsing Janelle in class. Woots. Hahs. Jun Rong brought his "mobile". He CLAIMED it was Nokia360. So fake luhhs. Then he showed me today... And you know what it was. It was the torchlight provided at the NDP last year. Woots. Hahs. I sw and was laughing like hell. And throughout the day, he kept asking dumb questions like "How to cut this ah?" And taking "photos" with his Nokia360 "mobile". Hahas. Nicole got the same handphone as Janelle. Woots. The Nokia Music model. Hahas. Only thing I don't like about it is that it's red. I'd have preferred it totally white. Or black. Or.. ORANGE! Hahas. I just had a look at my cupboard. And I realised I didn't have many orange tops. Hahas.Hmns, my arm and shoulder muscles are aching. I knew shouldn't have brought my file this morning. Blehhs. =DD. Ran in the rain. Hahas. I. Got. Old. Lady. Later. And. I. Don't. Wanna. Go. Hahas. Translates as "I got tuition with an uber old lady and I don't wanna go." Hahas. rawr. My NECK! Aw. I'm gonna update my blogskins account. BYE!

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