May 4, 2006

this lil guy is my baby kuzzin... cute rite?? he's also VERY naughty... last time... he pulled out my hair the last time<----[[evil rite?]]... now hospitalised...:(... so sad... uwahh... hahas... lil cutie...
hey ppl... i noe i dun post much... cause my com HATES blogger... it always refuse to let me post<----[[horrible rite?]] hahas... anyway... I LOVE AQUAMARINE!!!!!! finally persuaded my dad to buy the vcd. but i couldnt get him to buy high school musical... sad lor... :(... see tt girl below? my toddler kuzzin... my mum say's i looked like that when i was young too! she say's jacques[girl below] is a lookalike of mee. hahas. Xp
so cute!! but she's kinda naughty...

hahas... anyway... here my CA2 results... they are REAL bad...

Eng: 80/90
Chi: 78.5/100
HigherChi: 35/50
Sci: 30/50
Maths: as u noe... haven't get back... dammit...

hahas. tcher's day ms chong not there... so sad... anyway supp class fri will have party!! YAY!! addy's mum gonna bring the cake... hahas... anyway... havent started any of my sch hmwrk... :(...
I FAILED MY PIANO EXAM... BY 6 MARKS...fuck it!!!!!!!![[no offence]]
sighs... gonna have to retake... :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(... wtf...

sighs... i could sigh for 1 whole week!! Oops... gtg... bubbye