October 29, 2007

i'm sick of it. i'm sick of being your slave, i'm not someone you should be asking to serve you. i'm sick of you. i'm sick of helping you do this, and then do that, and then you give me this real fake smile and thank me for it. just quit it, okay? because i'm sick of it. i feel like slapping you, i seriously do. i feel like strangling you when you give me that innocent puppy-eyed fake smile. i hate it when you get all th priviledges & i get old stuff. just get lost. i hate you. just get lost. get out of my life and stop bugging me, himbo.

i'm sick of you bitches putting up a fake act in front of me. I know how you act when i'm not around, i know what you do when i'm not around. you don't even respect my privacy. i thought we were friends, i thought we were c-mates. we were getting along fine when you whores betrayed me. i know what you say when i'm not around. i know how you pry into my things, i know how you are all acting, i know all about your actions. you people have been too slack when doing all these. don't think any of you actually leaked it to me. i saw it with my own eyes. so don't deny it, bitches. i never once did anything bad to you, i never once disrespected your privacy. & this is how you repay me? by prying into my things & by betraying me? you all walk away when you see me come into the class, i give you bitches a way out by walking out again & entering by th back door. & you whore come & suck up to me & ask where i was? give me a break, bitches. i'm not stupid. when you do what i do, i ignore it. when you copy what i say, i ignore it. when you copy what i type, i ignore it. i've been tolerating all your nonsense for who knows how long. i'm seriously sick of this. you're not my friends, i thought you were. it was all an act, & i've known for a long time, i've been wanting to end this for a long time. my emotions change easily these few days, so just kcuf off & don't ever come & suck up to me, because you bitches aren't my friends. just butt out of my life. get stinking lost. i don't want to see you whores every again, just GET LOST. and on that note, you all & I are history.

just leave me alone, bitches.

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