October 24, 2007

boo people. shitx. i have to learn the stupid dance. and sofar i've only done 2 frigging postrs. oh dang. for games stall we have about... let me think, 14/15. yup. those is jynnlin, alethea, nic, jes, sherina etc do one. yup. for the selling stall we have... 3from max. 2from me. 1(draft) from jieyun. yup, i'm supposed to edit her thingy. oh dear. and i still have the dance to learn. ahhhh. dang. and i'm still surfing. heck. okay.

start with ytd after i left off. yes, i went tuition. and then i was walking on the curb when i crossed over to the drain. yup, to go to the inside pavement. woahh. slipped and fell. how smart. leg slipped into the friggin' drain. oh dearrie. argh, and then started bleeding like alot. heck. AS ran home for tissue & plasters. hah. cleaned up & rushed to tuition. urgh, CLS was like 'what happened to youuuu' and she made me take out my plasters (wahhh!) and yeah, made me wash the stupid wound and put the yellowish medicine on it. she put alot luh. she siao one. and she said 'must like that one!' siao liao. anyway. tuition. junkiat back from his rest. heh. he got 1 more week off than the rest of us. anyway. um. by that time alr 5:00. yup. left one hr. then CLS started telling us the history of s'pore. yup, and SY was arguing that what she said was wrong. ==" in the end she didn't tell us finish because of SY. anyway did th sec1 kewen. is... Elizabeth choy. yup. after that. she gave us h/w... supposed to learn some words or whatever for tingxie. and i got extra ==" the TXYD because the rest don't have... then only i have so i had to do. rahh, then we reread the stupid kewen. jiawen read so soft, then CLS made him reread&reread&reread. wahh. then home... and mummy said i was a blurpok:D seriously. like she said 'how could you fall into the drain? the drain is so big!' LOL! and she said if i became a pilot next time (which i won't) i would fall out of the plane:D she was like 'you ah... really no... so blur one! you better not fly a plane next time ah, if not you'll fall out of the plane itself! what else you haven't fall into or fall down from yet huh? you fall into the reservoir alr, then you fall down the overhead bridge alr then somemore last time also fall into drain alr. what else you want to fall into??' LOL! hahaha.


wow, crazy. rushing about for th jumble sale. lol. ur. and playing with water. whatever; i got no time liaox; gotta learn the dance and do th posters.

1. A random girl/guy approaches you asking your name, you say..
if he/she looks mean? - oh damn you, i don't even know you.
if he/she looks nice? - hey babeh:D

2. What's the last thing you put in your mouth?
scallops, prawns &. letmethink. fish.

3. What does your last text message say?
durhhh; my SIM got locked; i can't see any of my smses.

4. The last song you listened to?
本草綱目 - 周杰倫 (while trying to memorise the stupid dance)

5. Who do you trust with your life?
julia. kevin. kel. ryan(he's evilll). maxine. wendi. aiwei. weilin. mel. aiyohhh. alotalot luh.

6. If you could change your name to anything what would it be?
hmnnn. i dunno. dunwantluhh.

7. What do you say if someone tells you you're gorgeous?
if it's said as a compliment - babeh, you're just as gorgeous.

if it's said to spite me - damn, you're a real pervert you nkow that? puh-leeze, of course i'm gorgeous!

8. When was the last time you ran?
today (lalala~ along with the stupid cut i got from falling into th stupid drain)

9. How often do you curse?
just about everyday,

10. Do you trust all of your friends?
i guess; i can feel insecure around some of them.

11. Would you move to another state or country to be with the one you love?
let me think. maybe. depends on which country, and how much i love that person:D

12. Have you ever talked on the phone while in the shower?
LOL! no luh!

13. Which one of your friends do you think would make the best prostitute?
HAHA. julia, she's sexy.

14. Are you afraid of falling in love?

15. Would you stop talking to your friends because of a new partner?
wth, obviously NOT.

16. What features do you find most attractive in the opposite sex?
character:D umm. sensitivity. and if they're jerks.

17. Fill in the blank. I love____

18. What is a goal you would like to accomplish in the near future?
ohh. OHH. OHH! EASYPEASY. i wanna memorise the stupid dance.

19. Who would you call after waking from a coma?
daddy and mummy.

20. How many kids do you want to have?
i dunno. i guess twins/triplets/quadruplets would be cool!

21. Would you make a good parent?
don't think so.

22. Where was your default picture taken?
i created it in paint.

23. What is your middle name?

24. Honestly, what's on your mind right now?
the stupid dance, and how i can get back at ryan.

25. If you could go back in time and change something, what would it be?
i would... haixx. change alot of things. so many that i wouldn't even bother to list them out...

26. Shoe size?
USA or singapore?

27. What are you wearing right now?
let methink. dj's greyshorts & my teeshirt.

28. Righty or Lefty?

29. Can you make a dollar in change right now?
urh, no.

31. Favorite jeans?
ipzone:D or skinnyjeans.

32. Favorite animal?
hamster:D OH! CAT!

33. Window or aisle seat?

34. Have you ever had chicken pox?

35. Have you had surgery?
urrhhh, nope.

36. Ever had plastic surgery?
yeah, went for plastic surgery, had my eyes slit wider. um. yeah, had my nose raised.

37. Who knows you the best?
julia, weilin.

38. Do you wear contact lenses or glasses?

39. Ever been in a fight with your pet?
NO. the only pet in my house is fishie. (which belongs to my daddy) if i fight with it my daddy
will kill me.

40. Been to Mexico?
durh no.

41. Did you buy something today?
yeah, food from canteen.

42. Did you get sick today?
does having an injury count? i don't think so. whatever, but my throat doesn't feel right.

43. Did you miss anyone today?
yeah, julia, weilin, kel, kev, ry andand jer.

44. Did you get in a fight with someone today?
urr. YES. kangxiang, marcus, bryan, junrong yup. and they all got wet.

45. Last persons bed you lay in?
mine & dj's

46. Last person to see you cry?
ur. i can't remember. probably dj.

47. Who/what made you cry?
can't remember.

48. What are your plans for the weekend?
weekend... slack. watchtv. and of course, i still gotta do th posters if we dun have enough. oh
yeah, and the bookmarks for the jumble sale.

49. Who do you think will repost this?

50. Are you happy right now?

51. Drunk dialer or texter?

52. Are you hungry?
i'm always hungry.

53. Are you a forgiving person?
i can bear a grudge; i can be forgiving.

54. Would you ever share a girl/boyfriend with your best friend?
no, my bestfriends are girls & boys.

55. Have you lost a friend recently?
er... no.

56. Are you talking to someone while doing this?
yeah, julia&kel&kev in 1 convs, weilin, janelle, ricky and aud.

57. What are you about to do right now?
let me think. try & learn th stupid jaychou dance.

okay. images.

NOTIMENOTIMENOTIME! still got to learn the stupid dance and do the posters!

oh dearr, gotta go. burbyes.

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