January 26, 2008

smiles- Daphne has already resolved to stay calm during this post and get angry and cut off five minutes of her life.

Anyway. Here's the catch:

My parents want me to sail for eleven years.

EHMAGOD, Did Daphne just type wrongly? No, she didn't. EHMAGOD, then did I just see what I saw or are my eyes playing tricks on me? No, neither, you can stop rubbing your eyes now. Yes, Eleven. *giggles* The thought of it just tickles me so much. Oh alright, anyway lets continue. I was talking to my parents last night about my CCA Options. And guess what fantastic plans they have for my life? Ooh! Five years of Sailing in Rosyth. Another Two years of Sailing in TKG. Then DSA to Victoria JC for another Four years of Sailing. Madelaine would just scream with happiness if she read this, Daphne's gonna join sailing. I may love the sport, but hey, I'm not prepared to go that far... I haven't even thought if I want to join the IP programme! What happens if I don't want to join the IP Programme? What happens if I want to stay in TKG and do my O Levels? What happened to my say in my life? Gone. Okay, Daphne's temperature has definitely gone up. *Grabs some ice from the freezer and eats it* Okay! Daphne's fine now. But anyway, my choices are either:
1. Basketball
2. Drama (Although I didn't get in... I might reconsider changing this)
3. Sailing.
My mom wants me to join LDS (Literary and Debating Society). Like HELL NO. JUMP OFF A BUILDING! Ugh please! I'm not a very cheem person, if you haven't noticed. And the Teacher-In-Charge is freaking MRS LOPEZ! Don't you think I see enough of her already!? Oh God. *Grabs alot of ice for standby* I don't care if she(not my mom, take note) joins basketball. I don't care if I hate her. I don't care if she's a total bitch and I'd rather eat a banana than sit beside her. I'm joining basketball even if she's there also. Provided my mom allows laa. She's still against the idea of basketball. *cough* *cough* I think i might die from her pester-ing. Not my mom. HER. alright. But why, you might ask, do i want to join so much? (I'd be really really lucky and haaappy if i could.) , it'll be like so fun, AND it's something new, for a change, cause that stupid ROSYTH SCHOOL only allowed female basketballers when I was p6 and p6es weren't allowed to take up another cca. Besides, i already had 2 ccas, my mom would scream if i joined another. Anyway, I really really hope this works out cause cause the seniors are so nice(: They're fun. And i still can't figure out how to spell Shurei's name. Or is it Shirei? No it's Shurei. Yea, Shurei, but i can't figure out how to spell, dammit(: oh right, Daphne's rambling. I'd really die if she's on the team. Okay, maybe what I said earlier isnt' true. If she gets into school team right, then i'm not gonna join basketball already. cause i don't want rec team, i want school team. and if she's on the school team, i'm not joining, no matter how much i love the sport. Coach, my CCA lies in your hands. Please don't make the decision to put her on the school team, put her on the rec team okay okay? If not i'm really gonna hurt alot i'm really not gonna join already... My decision lies in your hands(: also right, like 7/8 of the decision depends on the basketball results coming out on Monday. So pleaseplease don't put her on school team alright?

okay, watch this video. I was like laughing so much when i watched it hahha(:

you can go HERE to watch.

ah yes, watching videos is fun hahaha(: And I found Melody's blog. OH YES YES, i'm wrong. It's SHU RUI. I found out from the TKG Basketball site. Anywayyyy. Let me think. NOTHING(: I'm still trying to think of a way to get my mom to allow me to join basketball, and Filzah keeps slapping me with a huge tuna or her tongue cause i keep having doubts about the Basketball results. hahahah. Aiyoyo, stupid yueshan don't want to send me the Zilian pictures(: hahha, that day outside the studio while waiting for Maya, Vidhya, Kristin and Dianne(: annd i'm still trying to find a suitable blogskin, i'm still too lazy... or maybe i should switch back to the base templates... oh whatever. byes(: And i'll reply tags another time, still too lazy. I'm gonna try to find a blogskin.

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