May 24, 2007


Hmns. Had my NAPFA today... Now, lets talk about the people I really hate...

Case No. [#01] ; MR "GAYER".
Reason One: Today, during assembly, when Mr. Quek said "shit-hole" I expected the whole school laughed right? Okayy, then, he only scolded OUR class. Yeah, that's right. He only scolded P6 METICULOUS, 2007 FOR LAUGHING AT WHAT MR. QUEK SAID. Like, HELLO! The whole school laughed and only OUR CLASS was scolded. How unreasonable is THAT?
Reason Two: He acted professional in Art Club, and Andrea quit. How does that involve me, some of you may ask. Okay, I'm angry cause Andrea gave up her own interests just because she couldn't tolerate him.
Reason Three: He is totally fat and has a sharp stomach and a bulging butt. Some people may ask, why do I hate him just because he's fat? Well, let's just say that I think his sharp stomach is too "pointy" and he should just lose some weight.
Reason Four: His cologne stinks. When he walked past me, I could smell it, and I could feel the fumes in my throat, which made me cough, and cough, and cough.
Reasone Five: It's said that he pointed his middle finger at the guys in our class. (this bit of info is from Nicholas, Shaun Ko and Lenard.)
Reason Six: It's said that he called the 01 people "assholes".

Case No. [#02] ; MS JAU
Reason One: She thinks she's so great.
Reason Two: She didn't let _______ have a second chance for inclineds.(PS: I'm not typing names so the person won't kill me. =DD)
Reason Three: She has the same earrings as me. Maybe this is abit off, but who cares. RAWR.
Reason Four: She's really extra and has two piercings. Okay, maybe this bit is something like me too, cause i'm planning on asking my mum to get me another piercing too. =DD.

Case No. [#03] ; (: ON ♥ WENDI'S BLOG
Reason One: He/she spammed on ♥wendi's blog.
Reason Two: He'she doesnt know how to use his/her own name.
Reason Three: He/she called ♥wendi a bitch when ♥wendi didn't even do anything bad.
Reason Four: He/she fails to use the name that his/her parents gave her.
Reason Five: He/she spams other people's blogs.
Reason Six: AND he/she spammed ♥wendi's blog, of all peoples.
Reason Seven: I think spammers are twits.
Reason Eight: He/she called ♥wendi and bitch, when he/she IS a bitch too.

Woots. I got alot of complaints about "(:". Who cares. he/she's a total loser. Anyway, before NAPFA, almost the whole of P6 Meticulous turned up outside the General Office with Nicole's mum. Nicole's mum went to complain and Ms Sabaria came out to talk to us, then after, Mrs Teh talked. We were kinda late for NAPFA... Hees. =DD. RAWR. i'm very, very disappointed in myself... HOW COULD I NOT GET AN A FOR INCLINED PULL UPS!? First time I didn't get an A for inclined pull ups. Woots. ♥Daddy just called from Shanghai. Oh yeahs, I forgot to mention; My parents left for Shanghai this morning, so I didnt get to complain about Mr. "Gayer" to anyone, of course, except my blog. =DD. Denise is so tired... Hahas. She asked me to wake her up at 10 because she's so tired. Woots. Lucky she rescheduled her tuition for Saturday. Hahs. I got a D for sit and reach. RAWR. HOW CAN THIS BE HAPPENING!?!?!?!?!?!!!!!? Arghs. okay, back to outside the general office. The guys in 6Meticulous are total cowards. I'm ashamed to be a part of 6 Meticulous. When we complained about Mr. "Gayer", most of them ran away to IBC. Except for a few, like Bryan, Zhen Hong, Nicholas, et cetera. And those that ran away, were very angry with Mr. "Gayer" and when we complained, they told us not to tell anyone that they were involved. THEY HAVE NO LOYALTY FOR THE CLASS AT ALL. RAWR. I'm so angry. I'm gonna punch my pillow. =DD. No, I shant abuse my pillow. I'm gonna screammmmmm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Freak. RAWR. I'm gonna listen to SHE's Zhong Guo Hua. BYEE!

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